Where to Print Photos for Memory Books

Where to Print Photos for Memory Books

We often get asked by customers where the best place is to print your photos for our memory books. With so many online options and physical stores to choose from, it can be difficult to know where to go for quality prints!

where to print photos online

All of our baby books have space for photos up to 4x6". That means that you can also include (and get more real estate from) 4x4" and 3x3" prints - perfect for all your square instagram shots!

where to print photos online

Our Pregnancy Journal also includes space for 4x6" photos; however, some pages require square prints no larger than 4x4" in size. While many mainstream retailers are now offering square prints, they are still not widely sold, so customers may not know where to look to get this option. 

But we wouldn't leave you hanging! We've rounded up some of our favorite square print photo retailers below so you know just where to go to get quality prints:

Best place to print square photos

4x4" photo printers:

3x3" photo printers:

2.4x2.4" photo printers: 


How to Create Your Own Square Photos in 4x4" or 3x3"

If you prefer not to use one of the printer listed above and would rather print at home or elsewhere, you always have the option of printing 4x6" photos and trimming them down yourself. There are lots of great photo trimmers that will help you trim them down to size.

Why leave the house? There are also a ton of excellent at-home printers for photos these days. Most even print directly from your phone over bluetooth. The HP Sprocket makes life even easier for scrapbookers - it prints mini photos (2x3") on sticky-backed paper, so you wouldn't even need tape or glue to adhere them to your memory book! Just print, peel and stick. Done.

hp sprocket photo printer

Here are some products we love if you want to do a little DYIing for your photos:

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