Letter & Number Practice Book
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Sometimes the best gifts are educational ones! Pre-kindergarteners and Kindergarteners have so much to learn - even before they step into a classroom - This Alphabet and Number Writing Book will help them learn how to write and recognize all of their letters, numbers and 40 Dolch Sight Words for Pre-K.
Kids can begin with tracing - developing fine motor skills and letter & number recognition. As they grow, they can practice writing their letters and numbers on their own, and then master reading and writing the 40 recommended Dolch sight words for Pre-kers. Extra lined pages are included in the back with wide-ruled lines so they can practice writing other simple words. When all is said and done, you'll have an adorable keepsake that you can hold on to for years to come!
Kids can begin with tracing - developing fine motor skills and letter & number recognition. As they grow, they can practice writing their letters and numbers on their own, and then master reading and writing the 40 recommended Dolch sight words for Pre-kers. Extra lined pages are included in the back with wide-ruled lines so they can practice writing other simple words. When all is said and done, you'll have an adorable keepsake that you can hold on to for years to come!
- Size: 8x10”
- Cover: 100lb premium cardstock printed photo coversheet, 23ml frosted poly cover overlay
- Inside Pages: 70lb premium paper
- Number of Pages: 40 (20 front and back)
- Included pages: 8 pages for letter tracing (uppercase & lowercase), 8 pages for practicing writing letters on their own, 3 pages for tracing
- numbers (1-20), 3 pages for practicing writing numbers on their own (1-20), 12 pages of tracing and writing Dolch Sight Words for Pre-k (40
- words in all), and 6 wide-ruled pages for writing their own words
- Binding: Wire loop
- Backing: Heavy chipboard backing for stability
Once they've mastered their letters and numbers, help them master writing their name with our Name Practice Writing Book!: