New Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Long-Time Couples

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Remember that person you married? The one you’ve laughed with, cried with, created and birthed babies with? When you’ve been with someone for so long, it’s hard not to fall into routine. It’s hard to find out new things about each other or have new experiences together or remember to put time and effort into your relationship.
My husband and I have been married for 12 years and we have three young kids… and it’s a struggle to plan and execute date night. So we choose to make an effort each Valentine’s Day, knowing it may be the greatest and possibly the only effort we make all year.
Problem is, after 12 years, the options for new experiences can dwindle. Dinner and a movie gets old. Coffee dates are only mildly exciting when you have nothing to talk about and end up just staring at one another. So what’s left?
Here are 10 ideas for a romantic date night with your long-time partner. I’m willing to bet at least one of them will be new and fun and create an experience you’ll remember! I can’t promise the most romantic night of your life, but I can promise a deeper connection with your significant other that will do wonders for your relationship.
10 Romantic Date Night Ideas for Married Couples
1. Rent a convertible and tour the closest city (or go for a country drive)
Be a tourist for a day, and do it in style! How many of us have actually seen all the tourist attractions in our nearest city? Now's the time! Of course, this only works in warm weather... don't try driving around in a convertible in freezing weather. You'll only end up fighting.
2. Take a cooking class together
My husband and I have done this at Sur La Table many times. It's romantic, fun and delicious.
3. Get a couple’s massage
This is on our agenda this year! It's something we've never done and we are due for some pampering (followed by cocktails and appetizers, of course).
4. Make a fancy dinner together
Take over the kitchen and make something you would never dare - like lobster or filet mignon or fondue.
5. Read old love notes/cards you’ve given each other
You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll love the cheesiness of it all!
6. Go beer or wine tasting
The best part about grabbing drinks is the opportunity for conversation. Take some relationship questions with you if you feel like you need the help. These ones will get you both talking!
7. Find someplace to go star gazing
Drive up to a higher elevation or just head out to your backyard if the viewing is good and cozy up with a blanket. Watch this video about the night’s sky to help you spot constellations. It's like your very own Planetarium date for free!
8. Find a horse drawn carriage and go for a romantic ride
This was hands down the most romantic thing we have done as a couple. We also did coffee before and dinner after and it was one of our best nights out!
9. Head to a local bookstore and play the bookstore game
This bookstore game will keep you busy and help you find out new things about one another! Plus an afternoon spent drinking coffee and browsing a bookstore with your love is already a good time.
10. Recreate your first date
This is cheesy in the best way possible. Do you remember what you wore? Where did you go? Did he bring you flowers? Did you kiss at the end of the night? Recreate it all. Odds are you'll laugh your way through, but your heart will be filled.
Free Downloadable Valentine's Day Card
Still on the hunt for the right Valentine's Day card? Have no fear. If you love tacos, I have the perfect card for you. Just download the file below and print at home.