N&B Blog

4 Reasons Why You Should Write Letters To Your Kids

Top Baby Names for Boys and Girls in 2024

25 Family Holiday Traditions to Start with Your Kids

Back to School: Staying Organized (and Sane) in the Time of Coronavirus

New Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Long-Time Couples

7 Quick And Easy Meals to Make for Families
I used to put a lot of time and effort into cooking. But 11+ years and 3 kids later, it's a different story.
I’ve learned that it’s essential to have some go-to recipes that require few ingredients, minimal effort, and are quick to prep and cook. It’s the only way that I can make dinner for my family each night without losing my mind!
So I’m opening my kitchen and my recipe books to share with you 7 quick and easy meals to make for your family.

Printable Chore Charts To Make Mom's Life Easier
Chore charts. Do these 2 words make you hopeful or cringe with feelings of "it's just another thing to do"? I used to feel the latter, but I've become a convert.
I know, I know. Right now you’re all “Stop it with your annoying Pinterest-inspired chore chart that you claim is a lifesaver.”
Ok, I get it. This seems like another great idea that average moms can't actually follow through with because it's more work than it's worth. That's what I thought, but I promise it actually is worth it and I'm making it easy for you with free downloads!