N&B Blog

Free School Printables: First and Last Day of School Questionnaires
August 17 2023
The first day of school always makes me extra sentimental and in the mood to document. I felt a ...

Free Printable Teacher Appreciation Card & Gift Card Holder
April 19 2023
When is Teacher Appreciation Week?
When I had one kid, I usually knew the answer to this question...

20 Summer Journaling Ideas for Kids
June 29 2021
Summer is all about making memories. But what about capturing them from your child’s point of view? Here are 20 journaling prompts that will help kids write about their summer!
Free Downloadable Valentine's Day Cards!
February 12 2021
Still on the hunt for the right Valentine's Day card for your significant other? Have no fear. W...

New Valentine's Day Date Ideas For Long-Time Couples
February 6 2019
(scroll down for your free downloadable Valentine's Day card!)
Remember that person you married?...

Free Coloring Pages for National Coloring Day
September 13 2018
Friday is National Coloring Day, so I figured I’d help you celebrate by putting together some fre...

Free Father's Day Booklet Download
May 22 2018
I love giving dad something sentimental from the kids for Father’s Day. There’s no better time o...

Printable Chore Charts To Make Mom's Life Easier
April 3 2018
Chore charts. Do these 2 words make you hopeful or cringe with feelings of "it's just another thing to do"? I used to feel the latter, but I've become a convert.
I know, I know. Right now you’re all “Stop it with your annoying Pinterest-inspired chore chart that you claim is a lifesaver.”
Ok, I get it. This seems like another great idea that average moms can't actually follow through with because it's more work than it's worth. That's what I thought, but I promise it actually is worth it and I'm making it easy for you with free downloads!